Ascension Assist - Clear & Raise Your Energy

by Golden Pod

Salute e fitness

6.99 usd

Questa applicazione aiuta a focalizzare la vostra mente, espandere la memoria e le capacità telepatiche.

Each time you play this app, your etheric and physical bodies, especially your brain is activated and layer by layer obstacles are removed as you align your intention to be assisted in this way. nnThis first app allows you to better know your life’s purpose, your higher source support team (including masters, teachers & guides) and accelerate your ascension progression.nnAs energetic obstacles are cleared you will notice these benefits appearing more and more frequently in your life:n• Greater mental clarityn• Relief of stressn• Easier knowing of what the best choices are you can make in each momentn• More direct alignment with your life’s purposen• Awareness and using of your higher source support (your masters, teachers & guides)n• Accelerated ascension. nAs the energy refines, you will likely experience more extensive activation of neural brain pathways which result in improved memory and expanded brain capacity. The following benefits are possible from this expanded capacity:n• Improved memoryn• More harmonized balance between the right- and left-brain hemispheresn• Expanded use of your brain capacityn• Increased telepathic perception into your multidimensional nature.nnThe Ascension Assist Appn• Clears negative entities from the Auric Fieldn• Harmonizes and balances the left and right hemispheres of the brainn• Activates the neural pathways in the brain resulting in enhanced brain functioning – such as improved memory, expanded usage of brain capacity, increased telepathic function and strengthened awareness of our multidimensional reality.n nThis results in:n• Clearer thinkingn• Diminished brain chattern• Being at peace and centerednnThis is the first in a series of eight apps that helps you harness the magnetic energies of sacred geometry and the capable consciousness of Grandma Chandra’s 12th dimensional masterhood. Sacred geometry magnetic energies are invaluable in that they assist you in attracting more light to you as energy and information. Each interaction with this first app dynamically adapts to where you currently are on your ascension path, helping you to remove negative energies, focus your mind to make clearer decisions and expand your brain usage.